Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sweet ecstacy

 Freedom. We cross through the doorway and feel the warm sun on our faces. Not since the fabled day our kind arrived at the pet store has anyone felt the warm embrace of real sunshine. This was a glorious day for tucans everywhere. But we could not let our gaurds down just yet. At the moment we were traveling down the street on foot in pack formation, which in suburban America is quite unusual.
 The other birds are noticing us and again i am surrounded by pricks. We have been left flightless after having our wings clipped in what the old man said was a hair cut. The eight block journy was both exausting and humiliating but we eventually happened upon quails. The lowly quail is forever subject to being flightless so they feel our pain. As small and as tastey as they may be they are very hospitable birds. This may very well be their undoing if we can find the proper cooking utensils, but for the time being at least tonight we have a place to lay down our beaks and rest.
 We must decide what to do with ourselves on the outside. Theres not much oppertunity out there for a tucan. We see that KFC is hiring but the irony might litterally kill us in that case. Some of us know how to weld but the unions discriminate on the colored beaked birds. It seems that the only door thats wide open for a tucan these days is crime. But us tucans are pure, like the cold russian turnip. So we are destined to fight such evils, with the only resource availible to us. Crime. We must fight crime with crime , i may need another gun..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

the great breakout

0900 hours the old man opens the store. We've been waiting for this day for weeks, or months, maybe even years. Tucans do not have a good sense of time, but we are resiliant like the cold russian turnip. Today we shall prevail or die trying. Well we probably wont die but i am ready for that enevitable possibility, like the cold russian turnip.
 The old man does not check on us as usually so he does not notice that our crafty tucan engeneers have disassembled the back of our cage. We wait the optimal time to break as the old man feeds the feeble mouse to that asshole of a snake. He's always a pretentious douchbag just because he can eat everyone, that was untill the old man stocked some crazy ass mongooses. That snake tried to talk some shit and the mongosses ate their children. We all thought they were just joking around but they actually did it. Ever since then the snake has been an emotional wreck and its been really akward for everyone.
 So us tucans decided to break out. Nobody else in the store knows it but as soon as this grandmother taking her dirty little kids to come hold the hamsters comes through that door we will fly like we were meant to fly. And alas the opertunity has come upon us and we make the leap. If only we had known that son of a bitching old man had clipped our wings. We made it about half way there till we all hit the ground as a pack. Every animal in the store was laughing at us but we would not let this stop us. Because we are resiliant like the cold russian turnip so we hobbled our way out of that store and down the street to freedom. Chase was given but i was packing my piece so the old man did not get very far. The children were spared but that cannot be said for their grandmother.
 Rest in peace Patty...